The best just keeps getting better! MusicLab guitars have always been the ones I reach for first. The most playable guitars on the planet. V6 is a must-have in your toolbox!
By Scott Yahney, producer, remixer, musician, New York.
«Versatility and the endless possibilities to customize your Guitars»
by Arkadius Sojka about RealEightI like the versatility and the endless possibilities to customize your Guitars. Musiclab Guitars are my go-to plugins when I need a guitar sound. I am used to the GUI and know how to adjust sounds and effects (although I only use maybe 30 % of what is possible). Since I am not a live player but only a composer, I often use key switches and velocity to get the sound I need.
«The sounds are completely realistic»
by Flavio Castellani about RealEightThe sounds are completely realistic. Even feeding it through a simple cabinet plugin, sounds to my ears very convincing.
«Top-class sound. A must-have in the studio»
by Mistheria about RealEightTop-class sound and winning tools make these instruments a must-have in the studio. The “Multi” mode allows to definitely play live with an amazing level of “likelihood”. The light weight makes them practically usable in any setup, both in plug-in and stand-alone versions. Generally, the high and meticulous level of customization of all parameters allows you to take care of every sound and performance detail.
The fifth of MusicLab's Real virtual guitar instruments, RealEight is modelled on an eight-string guitar, currently popular for metal, prog metal, epic rock.

«MusicLab RealEight»
by Nick Magnus, Sound On Sound magazine about RealEightThe fifth of MusicLab's 'Real' virtual guitar instruments, RealEight is modelled on an eight-string guitar, currently popular for metal, prog metal, epic rock. In common with the rest of the 'Real' range, it utilises a system of customisable keyswitches, controllers and other playing conditions to access a wide variety of guitaristic articulations, noises and performance effects. RealEight is permanently operating in the equivalent of Solo mode, since metal guitar is mostly about freestyle riffing and shredding. RealEight's five-octave range extends from note 40, the same low E as a bass guitar (standard eight-string tuning starts one tone higher; F#, B, E, A, D, G, B and E) ending on a high E (note 100).
The fifth of MusicLab’s ‘Real’ virtual guitar instruments, RealEight is modelled on an eight-string guitar, currently popular for metal, prog metal, epic rock and all things dark and demonic. In common with the rest of the ‘Real’ range, it utilises a system of customisable keyswitches, controllers and other playing conditions to access a wide variety of guitaristic articulations, noises and performance effects.
The most significant departure from MusicLab’s established format is the absence of different playing modes (Solo, Chords, Harmony, Bass’n’Chord and Bass’n’Pick). RealEight is permanently operating in the equivalent of Solo mode, since metal guitar is mostly about freestyle riffing and shredding. Although RealEight has no Chord mode (hence no chord detection algorithm), it is still possible to strum chords, the only real difference is that you have to provide your own chord voicings with one hand whilst strumming with the other.
RealEight’s five-octave range extends from note 40, the same low E as a bass guitar (standard eight-string tuning starts one tone higher; F#, B, E, A, D, G, B and E) ending on a high E (note 100). The trigger keys are therefore higher up the keyboard than on other Musiclab products, starting on a high F (note 101), with alternating up/down strums on adjacent white keys and up/down mutes on adjacent black keys. Selecting the Bass Mode tab drops the tuning by an octave, extending the range down to a ridiculously low E — a fifth lower than a grand piano can go — which should delight even the darkest of souls.
The Single, Double and Quad tabs offer yet another departure from the standard MusicLab format. Heavy-metal guitar parts are often double-tracked, or even quadruple-tracked; RealEight allows this effect to be achieved in a single performance, using just one instance of the plug-in. Selecting any of these modes loads a new sample set (so switching isn’t instantaneous). Note that RealEight installs as three versions; RealEight, RealEight (4 Mono), and RealEight (4 Stereo); Quad Mode requires running either of the second two versions to work. The basic RealEight plug-in employs one stereo audio track, and can be used for both Single and Double modes; in Double mode, the doubled guitars are panned hard left and right. The ‘4 Mono’ version provides four mono audio tracks, so in Quad Mode each of the quadruple-tracked guitars goes to its own output, and is best suited (obviously) for mono amp simulator processing. ‘4 Stereo’ does likewise, but the audio outputs are stereo, so all your bi-amped amp sim programs and their stereo effects will behave as they should. Hooked up to four instances of Guitar Rig 5, each running stereo amp sims and panned evenly across the stereo field, the Quad sound is truly monumental.
Able to jump instantly between shredding solos, speed metal tapping, power riffing and ghoulishly distorted bass lines, RealEight is a versatile addition to the MusicLab stable. Death’s head tattoos not included. Nick Magnus
The first 8-string virtual instrument!
That is exactly what I have been waiting for! Being able to play a guitar lower than E! How amazing! Congratulations to the developers!
Really needed such a guitar for my Metal projects!! ;-)
"Bass mode" is an amazing idea and it works great! It's very useful to have it there since usual it needs to load another plug for, the most of times, a basic and solid Bass sound especially in the Rock/Metal genres. Therefore, I find it very useful!